Shop Co-Owner
Current Bikes: Moots RSL Disc, Giant TCR, Pivot Switchblade, Moots Routt RSL, Pivot Shuttle LT, Giant Reign E, Trek Farley, (to name a few)
Favorite Bike: How do you pick which child you love more? You can't because you don't. I love riding all bikes because the end results is the same... a smile (& a beer)!
Most Memorable Ride: GFT
Dream Ride: Anywhere in Europe, but from the time I was a kid I've always dreamt of riding a mountain bike on the island that my parents are from in Greece (Andros).
Bio: George is the man behind the man. Born and raised in the Poconos, but his roots are in his parent's native land of Greece. Born in Eastburg, educated in State College, once considered the ruler of diners in the region, now wishes to impact the local cycling scene. He's a family man, a community man, and a man of faith. He will never conquer a specific discipline of cycling, but loves them all.
Favorite Beer: Alchemist Focal Banger
First Bike: Schwinn Woodlands
Special Power: George never backs down from, and never loses, a beer chugging contest. (well... almost never loses;-)