Shop Technician
Current Bikes: Trek touring, Trek hybrid, Schwinn fixed gear, Salsa Warbird, Giant Defy, Rich Adams Custom.
Most Memorable Ride: Toss up between 3 weeks riding the Dolomite Passes or 1 month bike touring New Zealand.
First Bike: My uncle's sh*t brown hand me down single speed cruiser.
Dream Bike: George's Moots (George - What's your price?)
Favorite Beer: Bennies Brewery Oatmeal Chocolate Stout.
Bio: Originally from Carbon County PA, Lee has lived in some cool places like: Chicago, San Antonio, and Michigan to name a few. He moved back to Pennsy in 2008. Has 2 degrees in Art History and has worked in the bike industry for over 40 years.
Secret Power: Wheel building!
Too Thin to be Considered a Foodie but he certainly is a gyro connoisseur! Go ahead, ask him where you can find the best... he'll let you know!