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Current Bikes: Moots RSL Disc, litespeed classic with couplers, Pivot Shuttle LT, Giant Trance, WHY Cycles S7, WHY Cylces R+
Most Memorable Ride: Triple Bypass that covers 110 miles with nearly 11,000 feet of climbing crossing the Juniper, Loveland, and Vail Mountain Passes through the Rocky Mountains.
Dream Ride: Bike Packing whiskey distillery tour through Scotland
Favorite Beer: That's a hard one, but if I had to pick only one, I'd choose Fiddlehead
Bio: Chris hails from the Slate belt region of PA. He was first introduced into cycling from his dad who was an EXTREMELY active guy! Chris is an avid skier that has skied on 3 different continents. He is an extremely funny guy that can make you laugh or cry, but the choice is yours!
Best Spots You Have Skied: Another tough question: either Kicking Horse in BC, or Verbier in Switzerland
Interesting Facts: He is still friends with Lucas, and is the inventor of the Pro Model!